Discovering Myself by Exploring with Others How we Find Strength and Purpose
Discovering Myself by Exploring with Others How we Find Strength and Purpose
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Discovering Myself by Exploring with Others How we Find Strength and Purpose
Discovering Myself by Exploring with Others How we Find Strength and Purpose
I’ve been a yoga and meditation teacher for more than 50 years. Sometimes people ask me whether the class will be too hard or too demanding. I smile and reassure them.
Fifty years of teaching has taught me how to tailor a class to the people present and to be “in a zone” when teaching so there is something for everyone.
Being “in the zone” means being soft, empty, no agenda – just offering yoga to match the theme of the day and hearing the way the Universe, not me, would do it.
The moments I live for are the “breakthrough” moments when someone “gets it” – breaks through to free and unbounded space where before there had been confinement, stuckness.
I offer yoga so people can use this marvelous tool to learn how to work with energy, to more easily change, to keep going and growing. I try, best as I can, to add the information, the science – how energy works (not the way we think) and why we would move in a certain way.
You’ll see the genius of moving the way you will, and you may love the feelings of freedom and expansiveness it can bring.
In teaching and using Kundalini Yoga over all these years I have found it to be life altering. It has bailed me out of countless instances where I felt cornered by what I came to understand as just conditioning. I’d thought it was reality itself.
Over the years innumerable practitioners have told me how they felt Kundalini Yoga saved their lives, their partnerships, their sanity.
When I say Kundalini Yoga can be life altering, I mean it.
Many then jump to the conclusion that this yoga must employ high levels of exertion and breathing within an inch of exhaustion. And some teach it that way.
It’s totally unnecessary.
There is that phrase – what is simple and subtle is the most powerful. And THAT is how I practice and share this yoga.
Kundalini Yoga is based in the wisdom of the body’s energy systems – the same systems used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, polarity therapy – multiple disciplines.
Several times I’ve taught a basic Kundalini Yoga course with an acupuncturist who could explain the foundation of each exercise in the wisdom of TCM. Three times I’ve spent time with people who can see energy—and what the movements are causing to happen. And I believe that the Kriyas, the sets of exercises in this yoga, were originally offered by one who was watching how energy works.
Whether it is the set of exercises called To Be Rid of Internal Anger, or the one called Relaxation and Releasing Fear – the foundation is the observation of patterning in the body and then the systematic release of those patterns.
Kundalini Yoga works what we would otherwise call miracles because it is based in the subtle science – the reality of the energy field of the human body.
And at its best, that energy field is so subtle that the slightest movements or breathing rhythms affect it.
At the same time, I wouldn’t claim this yoga is for everyone. And the best way is to try a class or two and see.
I offer classes and workshops on my own and through yoga studios. I am interested in exploring new ideas, expanding my practice into new areas as I continue to learn, and offering classes and workshops that reflect this ongoing evolution. I also offer On Your Side for those who want to talk something out or seek another perspective. To arrange a conversation, email me Here.
I, like many of my generation who studied rather directly with a lineage-founding teacher from India, learned after many years that my teacher was a serial sexual predator and the yogic organization he created, and to which I belonged, should properly now be described as a cult. It has been a sobering and life-changing realization and my statement about it is Here
As they are offered, you can register for any class or workshop Here
On Your Side
I started “On Your Side” at the insistence of people in my classes who butttonholed me after class or over a coffee to ask about personal situations. As they found it helpful to have a neutral someone in their space with them, so I’m offering that to anyone who’d like to “talk something out” or get another perspective. You can learn more about it here.